Top ten list of garden plants

  • Abutilons of all kinds
  • Buddlejas old and new
  • Epiphytic orchids and ferns
  • Gordonia species
  • Heliotrope, Lemon verbena, Fennel and herbs
  • Michelias of all sorts
  • Perennial Salvias large and small
  • Species Camellias
  • Tea and China Roses
  • Weigela of all types

Montville Rose

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Just another day

Hi All.
I just wanted to de brief  about my awesome day yesterday!!!

Possible titles - 'Shadows Big Day"  " How to make 10 Butter Menthols last a whole afternoon"  ' Do I need to carry a mobile phone?'How would it help?"

I started the day pushing  Michael up to  work and going to pilates. exercise- tick!
After an enjoyable yet hot morning of barrowing mushroom compost , Brent arrived to do some major pruning. Brent is Michael 's physical contribution to the garden and he had drawn a picture of what he wanted cutting seeing as he was at work. Brent is super slick and cheap!! and in no time we had the ute piled up with branches. We had a bit of a chat about the Mapleton tip and the hopeless opening hours and I decided that I may as well drive down to Nambour tip. Otherwise snakes might decide to get into the ute. ( in hindsight  - "snakes in a ute", may be preferable and could be a good movie) 
So I grabbed Shadow and we headed off. Straight to the Big Dump where serious dumping goes on. I unloaded , swept out and was ready to go when the ute wouldn't start. 
Not wanting to believe it I got out and waited and tried it again just in case it was being fickle.  ( The Prefect only started after it had been washed) 
None of the guys around me seemed to have a clue although they did insist on raising the bonnet and looking querulous for a while.  Brent drove in about 20 mins later and asked if it has fuel!! 
As I have no phone  Shadow and  I  in my mushroomy state of attire, went and bashed on the door of the office and was eventually heard.I now have a great appreciation for the amount of dump trucks there are on the Sunny Coast. I also have witnessed the amount of recycling  and the number of turkeys that go through it all.Anyway the guy there was lovely and gave me a phone and water for Shadow. I rang RACQ Waited for about an hour and more humming and haring when it was decided that it would need to be towed. 

More waiting and chatting to the guy when there was a lull in dump trucks and the general public  . I heard all about the whole enterprise and the way in the lead up to Christmas there is heaps more rubbish.Apparently lots of renovating goes on . Shadow and I did circuits of the place and wandered down the road always imagining that at any moment the tow truck would be there.(The watched tow truck never comes) Then yeah it was there!
This saga began at 2.30 and we didn't get home until 7.00pm. The tow guy said I couldn't have Shadow in the RACQ Cab and he would have to ride in the ute so poor Shadow looked very forlorn as he was winched up.
I can only describe the drive in the truck up the Range was like a bat out of hell. Was it the great rush of air due to no aircon , was it the speed and swervy cornering or was it the hits of the 80"s at volume? I was holding on and couldn't look back to see Shadow.  I was so worried about Shadow being tossed around or found unconscious on arrival. Anyway finally landed   at Montville Auto in darkness. I  rescued Shadow and walked home. Dragged the bin out as ironically it was bin night.
I walked in to Michael sitting at the table . No sign that anything had been done like taking his tablets or rustling up a delicious meal -drat! 
All he could say was gee Brent really massacred the wattle bird!!! Actually he was concerned about my day but mainly the fact that through Chinese whispers aka the receptionist he had no idea what had happened or where I was. 
After a shower I steamed those Japanese stand by dumplings and watched Man Up. Kyleigh

stop press: The ford falcon ute has a smart locking thing with the ignition .At this moment I hope the whole thing is being dismantled and thrown in the bin. Kyleigh

Sunday, October 9, 2016

open garden over and Summer is here

Our Open garden , Springtime in Montville was sucessful in perfect weather and almost overnight summer arrived.
We were blessed with incredible luck that the open garden event coincided with a flowering event involving most plants in the garden with spring, summer display.
 Ellie from Cittamani Hospice service receiving the proceeds of Open garden 2016

Open Gardens can't appen without help and input from family and friends. there is aquite a bit of work to do. Thanks to Chris and tracey, Chris Donlen and Ed, Margaret Jeays, and from the uniting Church, Heather, Darryl, Merle and all who helped. Then there is of course Eleanor, Denise and John who worked all weekend
Denise and John manning the gatehouse.

Eleanor and John the plant sellers.

Sunday, October 2, 2016


"Shadow" waiting to welcome garden vsitors
Thankyou to all who attended our Open garden in perfect weather on 1st and 2nd October.
Over $2400 was raised for the Cittamani Hospice Service and over $1000 was raised for Frontier services, through the Montville uniting Church
Everybody wanted to know about the Golden flowers of The Tabebuia chrysora, and everyone loved the orchids

Tabebuia chrysora "The Shambles" 

Dendrobium nobile "The Shambles"

Wednesday, September 28, 2016



Open Gardens Springtime in Montville is an opportunity to visit two of the best mature country gardens in Queensland, near the popular tourist town of Montville.
When:  Saturday and Sunday , 1st and 2nd October 2016
              9 30 am to   4 pm both days
Admission:  $6 per person, to each garden with all funds going to the charities described below. Under 18 free. 
Street Parking. At least ½ of the gardens are disabled access. Most of “The Shambles” is accessible
Where and Why:
“The Shambles”, at 85 Western Avenue, Montville, is a collectors garden established over the last 25 years around a century old farmhouse. Highlights will include many spring flowering shrubs, perennials, bulbs and orchids, and spectacular flowering trees. An extensive network of paths with no dead ends.
Refreshments available at The Plough Inn. Proceeds from the Open Garden benefit the Cittamani Hospice service on the Sunshine Coast . The Shambles has opened in support of many charities since 2001.

“Wongawilli”, at 19 Manley Drive, off Western Avenue, Montville, is another collectors garden commenced 16 years ago. Rowena, the garden's owner, describes having “phases of collecting plants" such as Magnolias, Wisterias, Brugmansias, Begonias and many more. A wide range of sub-tropical and temperate plants can be grown on the Range and are thriving in this garden. A difficult slope has been tamed with wide terraces and there are areas of woodland and revegetated gullies, a testament to the skill and horticultural knowledge of the owner. Proceeds from Wongawilli go to Fiji cyclone reconstruction relief.
“The Shambles” Web
“The Shambles” Blog and Facebook


Open Gardens Springtime in Montville is an opportunity to visit two of the best mature country gardens in Queensland, near the popular tourist town of Montville.
When: Saturday and Sunday , 1st and 2nd October 2016

9 30 am to 4 pm both days
Admission: $6 per person, to each garden with all funds going to the charities described below. Under 18 free.
Street Parking. At least ½ of the gardens are disabled access. Most of “The Shambles” is accessible
Where and Why:

“The Shambles”, at 85 Western Avenue, Montville, is a collectors garden established over the last 25 years around a century old farmhouse. Highlights will include many spring flowering shrubs, perennials, bulbs and orchids, and spectacular flowering trees. An extensive network of paths with no dead ends.
Refreshments available at The Plough Inn. Proceeds from the Open Garden benefit the Cittamani Hospice service on the Sunshine Coast . The Shambles has opened in support of many charities since 2001.
“Wongawilli”, at 19 Manley Drive, off Western Avenue, Montville, is another collectors garden commenced 16 years ago. Rowena, the garden's owner, describes having “phases of collecting plants" such as Magnolias, Wisterias, Brugmansias, Begonias and many more. A wide range of sub-tropical and temperate plants can be grown on the Range and are thriving in this garden. A difficult slope has been tamed with wide terraces and there are areas of woodland and revegetated gullies, a testament to the skill and horticultural knowledge of the owner. Proceeds from Wongawilli go to Fiji cyclone reconstruction relief.
“The Shambles” Web
“The Shambles” Blog and Facebook
ABC Gardening Australia
Web references: Queensland Tourism…/open-gardens-springtime-in-mont…
Thankyou for considering helping us to promote this Charity event
Dr Michael Simpson 5/9/2016
85 Western Avenue Montville
0458 429524

Friday, September 23, 2016

Open Gardens next weekend 1st &2nd October

Here we are discussing an important topic. It may well be about the open garden or one of our many garden conversation starters who knows?
After attending rehab “for the over committed and compulsive gardeners “ we constructed a 12 step program and Gardeners Anonymous support group for people who feel they are slipping into the mulch pile like us.
Anyway we got over it and have pledged to open the garden at “The Shambles” Montville to raise funds for The Cittamani Hospice which does amazing work supporting people in the palliative stages of their lives as well as their carers. The refreshments takings on the days are going to help Frontier services to support the mental health needs of people living in remote Australia.
That in itself is enough to encourage you to come along on the weekend with the added enjoyment of seeing the garden. The garden has been in our care for 25 years and has reached that slightly paunchy, blousey stage. It is a well-used garden where family and friends have gathered to have parties, for quiet chats and for musical interludes. Camp fire cooking ,playing hide and seek ,having treasure hunts and drawing or making clay sculptures are regular occurrences at “The Shambles”.

While you are in Montville head just down Western Avenue and take the next street to the right which is  Manley Drive and visit “Wongawilli “ a big beautiful garden growing on terraces facing Obi Valley views.

Thursday, September 22, 2016


TRUMP all the other plans for OCTOBER 1 & 2, 2016
"Make Your Weekend Great Again"
"THE SHAMBLES"" Kyleigh and Dr Michael Simpson, Ochre Montville

Our garden Notes
Welcome to our garden at “The Shambles”
This garden has been developed over the last twenty four years around our century old farm house. There were a few shrubs and fruit trees, one large Camellia and our hedges planted by earlier gardeners.
We are collectors and conservers of charming traditional and often uncommon trees, shrubs, perennials and ornamental plants in as many varieties as we can.
There is no irrigation system here or prescribed rules by which we work. We are enthusiasts not experts and nature, not gardening fashion, is our influence. In our climate we continue to collect China and Tea roses, grown from cutting, species Camellias and favourite Japonicas and Sasanquas. Contrasted to these are the epiphytic orchids and many subtropical subshrubs under our collection of trees.
See our plant inventorys


Friday, September 16, 2016


Open Gardens Springtime in Montville is an opportunity to visit two of the best mature country gardens in Queensland, near the popular tourist town of Montville.
When:  Saturday and Sunday , 1st and 2nd October 2016
              9 30 am to   4 pm both days
Admission:  $6 per person, to each garden with all funds going to the charities described below. Under 18 free. 
Street Parking. At least ½ of the gardens are disabled access. Most of “The Shambles” is accessible
Where and Why:
“The Shambles”, at 85 Western Avenue, Montville, is a collectors garden established over the last 25 years around a century old farmhouse. Highlights will include many spring flowering shrubs, perennials, bulbs and orchids, and spectacular flowering trees. An extensive network of paths with no dead ends.
Refreshments available at The Plough Inn. Proceeds from the Open Garden benefit the Cittamani Hospice service on the Sunshine Coast . The Shambles has opened in support of many charities since 2001.
“Wongawilli”, at 19 Manley Drive, off Western Avenue, Montville, is another collectors garden commenced 16 years ago. Rowena, the garden's owner, describes having “phases of collecting plants" such as Magnolias, Wisterias, Brugmansias, Begonias and many more. A wide range of sub-tropical and temperate plants can be grown on the Range and are thriving in this garden. A difficult slope has been tamed with wide terraces and there are areas of woodland and revegetated gullies, a testament to the skill and horticultural knowledge of the owner. Proceeds from Wongawilli go to Fiji cyclone reconstruction relief.
“The Shambles” Web
“The Shambles” Blog and Facebook

But the fun of gardening goes on

Plants added September 2016

Dampiera purpurea  Small perennial suckering herb that reaches 1 to 1.5 metres high and can spread to 2 metres across.  Purple flowers   Nr Trachelospermum arch/Araucaria walk Eastern Australia

Dodonea viscosa    Sticky Hop Bush  A species of flowering plant in the soapberry family, Sapindaceae, that has a cosmopolitan distribution in tropical, subtropical and warm temperate regions of Africa, the Americas, southern Asia and Australasia          North West Corner Garden (behind Chair)

Hardenbergia violacea (2)  syn. H. monophylla is a species of flowering plant in the pea family Fabaceae, native to Australia from Queensland to Tasmania.[1] It is known in Australia by the common names false sarsaparilla, purple coral pea, happy wanderer, native lilac and waraburra (which comes from the Kattang language).[2] Elsewhere it is also called vine lilac[3] or lilac vine.     Nr Trachelospermum arch/Araucaria walk  Eastern Australia

Hovea acutifolia  (5)   Pointed leaf Hovea   Wet forests and rainforest margins from south-east Queensland to the central cost of New South Wales. Genus names after Anton Hove, a botanical collector.    Criss Cross path Garden, Western Hydrangea walk under window, North West Corner Garden

Hovea longifolia  (5)    Round leaf Hovea This native pea develops into an upright, medium shrub. The leaves are linear to oblong, dark green above and paler beneath. In spring, bluish-purple flowers appear in clusters of two or three along the branchlets.            North West Corner Garden,  Araucaria walk  New South Wales Queensland

Lomandra longifolia  (2)  Spiny Mat Rush.  Perennial, rhizomatous herb. Leaves are glossy green, shiny, firm, flat. They can grow from 40cm up to 1m long and 8-12mm wide and are usually taller than the flowering stem. Leaf bases are broad with yellow, orange or brownish margins and the tips of the leaves are prominently toothed.         Near Back stairs, North West Corner Garden

Prostanthera ovalifolia  oval-leaf mintbush or purple mintbush, Flowers are mauve or a deep purple blue, occurring between August and November. Its native distribution is in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.    Rainforest garden near path

Prostanthera sieberi “Minty”    Small upright compact shrub. Full Sun to Part Shade    Tubular violet profuse spring early summer with mint fragrance.   Rainforest garden near path

Grevillea gaudichaudii x longifolia “Fanfare”  Prostrate grevillea with deeply lobed leaves with reddish new growth and burgundy toothbrush flowers in spring-summer                   Front Embankment Eastern end.  Eastern Australia

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Why Open a Garden ?

There are a few reasons to put yourself “Out there” and open up that most private of space ,”your garden” to be  viewed by the public. Firstly there is a desire to share the garden with people who like gardens or are keen gardeners. It is also a way to pass on information about plants and to share views about maintenance and care of plants. It is also a way to support a Charity through gate and refreshment takings.

The gardens that will be opened in Montville on October 1st &2nd are abundantly full of plants both common and rare, exotic and native to the area. As there is only tank water in Montville the plants have to be resilient with many getting bucket watered in the initial stages and then left to fend for themselves. Michael and Kyleigh of “ The Shambles” have collections of roses and salvias and an interest in garden history that has seen every plant in the garden documented as to its origin and date obtained in Australia. The  plant explorers of the 19th Century were responsible for many of the plants we see in our gardens as well as the crops and fruits we eat .  Rowena the owner of “Wongawilli” has spent a lot of time living in the tropics especially New Guinea and Fiji and has an interest in tropical and sub-tropical plants that can be seen growing superbly on here terraced land.
Just the act of sharing the gardens brings a wide range of people together and as gardeners we hope that people will take some inspiration home to their own gardens.

Farm life in Montville . 
'Citrus crops being subject to a wide range of insect pests and some plant diseases Harry Oakman recommended application of Lead Arsenate dust for the leaf eating insects and caterpillars, Nicotine spray for the Aphids and application of Lime Sulphur in Winter .' Gardening in Queensland  Harry Oakman , Jacaranda Press 1958



Open Gardens Springtime in Montville is an opportunity to visit two of the best mature country gardens in Queensland, near the popular tourist town of Montville.

When:  Saturday and Sunday , 1st and 2nd October 2016

              9 30 am to   4 pm both days

Admission:  $6 per person, to each garden with all funds going to the charities described below. Under 18 free. 

Street Parking. At least ½ of the gardens are disabled access. Most of “The Shambles” is accessible

Where and Why:

“The Shambles”, at 85 Western Avenue, Montville, is a collectors garden established over the last 25 years around a century old farmhouse. Highlights will include many spring flowering shrubs, perennials, bulbs and orchids, and spectacular flowering trees. An extensive network of paths with no dead ends.

Refreshments available at The Plough Inn. Proceeds from the Open Garden benefit the Cittamani Hospice service on the Sunshine Coast . The Shambles has opened in support of many charities since 2001.

“Wongawilli”, at 19 Manley Drive, off Western Avenue, Montville, is another collectors garden commenced 16 years ago. Rowena, the garden's owner, describes having “phases of collecting plants" such as Magnolias, Wisterias, Brugmansias, Begonias and many more. A wide range of sub-tropical and temperate plants can be grown on the Range and are thriving in this garden. A difficult slope has been tamed with wide terraces and there are areas of woodland and revegetated gullies, a testament to the skill and horticultural knowledge of the owner. Proceeds from Wongawilli go to Fiji cyclone reconstruction relief.

“The Shambles” Web

“The Shambles” Blog and Facebook

Thankyou for considering helping us to promote this Charity event

Dr Michael Simpson                                         5/9/2016

85 Western Avenue Montville

0458 429524


Open Gardens Springtime in Montville is an opportunity to visit two of the best mature country gardens in Queensland, near the popular tourist town of Montville.

When:  Saturday and Sunday , 1st and 2nd October 2016

              9 30 am to   4 pm both days

Admission:  $6 per person, to each garden with all funds going to the charities described below. Under 18 free. 

Street Parking. At least ½ of the gardens are disabled access. Most of “The Shambles” is accessible

Where and Why:

“The Shambles”, at 85 Western Avenue, Montville, is a collectors garden established over the last 25 years around a century old farmhouse. Highlights will include many spring flowering shrubs, perennials, bulbs and orchids, and spectacular flowering trees. An extensive network of paths with no dead ends.

Refreshments available at The Plough Inn. Proceeds from the Open Garden benefit the Cittamani Hospice service on the Sunshine Coast . The Shambles has opened in support of many charities since 2001.

“Wongawilli”, at 19 Manley Drive, off Western Avenue, Montville, is another collectors garden commenced 16 years ago. Rowena, the garden's owner, describes having “phases of collecting plants" such as Magnolias, Wisterias, Brugmansias, Begonias and many more. A wide range of sub-tropical and temperate plants can be grown on the Range and are thriving in this garden. A difficult slope has been tamed with wide terraces and there are areas of woodland and revegetated gullies, a testament to the skill and horticultural knowledge of the owner. Proceeds from Wongawilli go to Fiji cyclone reconstruction relief.

“The Shambles” Web

“The Shambles” Blog and Facebook

Thankyou for considering helping us to promote this Charity event

Dr Michael Simpson                                         5/9/2016

85 Western Avenue Montville

0458 429524



            &     “WONGAWILLI”  19 Manley Drive (Off Western Avenue)

Sat and Sun   1st and 2nd  OCTOBER   2016
Hours   9 30am to 4 pm,    Admission $6  to each garden

Proceeds from  “The Shambles” to benefit the Cittamani Hospice  Sunshine Coast.  Proceeds from “Wongawilli to Fiji reconstruction post Cyclone Winstone.

Our Garden Featured on ABC TV ‘Gardening Australia” 6/6/2015 at 6 30pm   see ONLINE



Open Gardens Springtime in Montville is an opportunity to visit two of the best mature country gardens in Queensland, near the popular tourist town of Montville (Sunshine Coast Hinterland north of Brisbane).
When:  Saturday and Sunday , 1st and 2nd October 2016
              9 30 am to   4 pm both days
Admission:  $6 per person, to each garden with all funds going to the charities described below. Under 18 free. 
Street Parking. At least ½ of the gardens are disabled access. Most of “The Shambles” is accessible
Where and Why:
“The Shambles”, at 85 Western Avenue, Montville, is a collectors garden established over the last 25 years around a century old farmhouse. Highlights will include many spring flowering shrubs, perennials, bulbs and orchids, and spectacular flowering trees. An extensive network of paths with no dead ends.
Refreshments available at The Plough Inn. Proceeds from the Open Garden benefit the Cittamani Hospice service on the Sunshine Coast . The Shambles has opened in support of many charities since 2001.
“Wongawilli”, at 19 Manley Drive, off Western Avenue, Montville, is another collectors garden commenced 16 years ago. Rowena, the garden's owner, describes having “phases of collecting plants" such as Magnolias, Wisterias, Brugmansias, Begonias and many more. A wide range of sub-tropical and temperate plants can be grown on the Range and are thriving in this garden. A difficult slope has been tamed with wide terraces and there are areas of woodland and revegetated gullies, a testament to the skill and horticultural knowledge of the owner. Proceeds from Wongawilli go to Fiji cyclone reconstruction relief.
“The Shambles” Web
“The Shambles” Blog and Facebook
Thankyou for considering helping us to promote this Charity event
Dr Michael Simpson                                         5/9/2016
85 Western Avenue Montville
0458 429524


Open Gardens Springtime in Montville is an opportunity to visit two of the best mature country gardens in Queensland, near the popular tourist town of Montville.
When:  Saturday and Sunday , 1st and 2nd October 2016
              9 30 am to   4 pm both days
Admission:  $6 per person, to each garden with all funds going to the charities described below. Under 18 free. 
Street Parking. At least ½ of the gardens are disabled access. Most of “The Shambles” is accessible
Where and Why:
“The Shambles”, at 85 Western Avenue, Montville, is a collectors garden established over the last 25 years around a century old farmhouse. Highlights will include many spring flowering shrubs, perennials, bulbs and orchids, and spectacular flowering trees. An extensive network of paths with no dead ends.
Refreshments available at The Plough Inn. Proceeds from the Open Garden benefit the Cittamani Hospice service on the Sunshine Coast . The Shambles has opened in support of many charities since 2001.
“Wongawilli”, at 19 Manley Drive, off Western Avenue, Montville, is another collectors garden commenced 16 years ago. Rowena, the garden's owner, describes having “phases of collecting plants" such as Magnolias, Wisterias, Brugmansias, Begonias and many more. A wide range of sub-tropical and temperate plants can be grown on the Range and are thriving in this garden. A difficult slope has been tamed with wide terraces and there are areas of woodland and revegetated gullies, a testament to the skill and horticultural knowledge of the owner. Proceeds from Wongawilli go to Fiji cyclone reconstruction relief.
“The Shambles” Web
“The Shambles” Blog and Facebook
Thankyou for considering helping us to promote this Charity event
Dr Michael Simpson                                         5/9/2016
85 Western Avenue Montville
0458 429524

Monday, September 12, 2016

Come and Have a Sticky Beak at two Montville Gardens

October 1st &2nd   “The Shambles” 85 Western Ave Montville
                               & “Wongawilli”19 Manley Drive Montville
Montville has some bushy hedges that hide many gardens from view as you drive by. As a gardener there is often something intriguing about peaking over a fence or around a hedge to find an interesting plant or lush garden. This October you are invited in to see two mature gardens   and to explore the pathways, discover plants, get ideas and to just sit back and relax in. Each garden owner has nominated a worthy cause to fundraise for. Michael and Kyleigh at “The Shambles” have selected Cittamiani Hospice for their supportive work in palliative care in this area while Rowena at “Wongawilli” continues to raise funds for rebuilding work in Fiji.

Neither of these gardens have reticulated water so the plants used have proven themselves as hardy and resilient in times of low rainfall and flooding rains. Both gardens are private places that reflect the interests of the owners who will be on hand to answer questions over the weekend.  All sticky beaks welcome. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2016



            &     “WONGAWILLI”  19 Manley Drive (Off Western Avenue)

Sat and Sun   1st and 2nd  OCTOBER   2016
Hours   9 30am to 4 pm,    Admission $6  to each garden

Proceeds from  “The Shambles” to benefit the Cittamani Hospice  Sunshine Coast.  Proceeds from “Wongawilli to Fiji reconstruction post Cyclone Winstone.

Our Garden Featured on ABC TV ‘Gardening Australia” 6/6/2015 at 6 30pm   see ONLINE


You may enjoy a copy of our book. "A Garden Forever" A History of "The Shambles"

Saturday, September 3, 2016


Spring Gardens
2 established private Gardens
October 1 & 2, 2016
9.30am -4.00pm    $6.00 entry children free
THE  SHAMBLES                                                                                                                                85 Western Ave Montville 4560
Wongawilli                                                                                                                                             19 Manley DRIVE, MONTVILLE 4560
see     http//

Abelia floribunda,     Semi-evergreen or evergreen medium shrub with shiny ovate leaves and clusters of tubular cerise flowers to 5cm long.  Mexico         Central Shrub garden with the other collected Abelias

Weigela foliis purpueia         'Foliis Purpueis' is a small, spreading deciduous shrub with ovate, dull purplish-green leaves and clusters of funnel-shaped, rosy-pink flowers paler within      Stone Circle garden South East Corner with the other collected Weigelas
Forsythia viridissima, The flowers are produced in the early spring before the leaves, bright yellow with a deeply four-lobed flower, the petals joined only at the base. These become pendant in rainy weather thus shielding the reproductive parts.  The genus is named after William Forsyth (1737–1804), a Scottish botanist who was royal head gardener and a founding member of the Royal Horticultural Society     Embankment behind the Pool with newly collected Salvias   China
Fuchsia shrub “Shower of Stars”               East Border garden

Fuchsia shrub “Annabel”                            East Border garden

Fuchsia shrub “Carla Johnson”                    East Border garden

Fuchsia (white Shrub) from Rowenas garden         East Border garden

Fuchsia “Viona”                                        East Border garden

Fuchsia  “Marcia                                          East Border garden

Salvia “Blue Bird”     Blue                                    Poole Embankment

Salvia chamelaeagnea  (mauve and white) Afrikaanse salie. South Africa, Cape of Good Hope  Pool Embankment

Salvia cacaliifolia Blue Vine Sage Chiapas, Mexico, and in Guatemala and Honduras, at 1,500–2,500 m (4,921–8,202 ft) elevation. It has been available in the United Kingdom for many years, after being recognized by William Robinson in 1933 (Royal Blue)  Pool Embankment

Salvia “Cookie”  (Blue)               North West Corner garden

Salvia disermas  White, mauve and white  South Africa         North West Corner garden

Salvia flocculosa   Ecuadorian sage (Blue) The flowers, which seem to never stop blooming, are strongly marked with white bee lines. Ecuador  Pool Embankment

Salvia gesneriifolia  Red black bracts, It was named in honor of 15th century Swiss botanist Conrad Gessner Mexico  South East Corner Verandah gardren

Salvia microphylla  ‘Huntington Red’ is an evergreen plant, growing from 70cm to 1 meter and spreading from 60 to 75cm. It has a shrubby growth habit with many thin, but firm and upright stems. The striking dark coloured stems approach black in colour and show off the red flowers. The calyces are almost black          North West Corner garden

Salvia pratensis   ( Meadow sage Pink cultivar) perennial forming a basal clump 1 to 1.5 m (3.3 to 4.9 ft) tall, with rich green rugose leaves that are slightly ruffled and toothed on the edges Europe West Asia  Pool Embankment garden

Salvia radula         white flowering Salvia radula is also called Scrappy African Sage and is native to the botanically rich mountain regions of South Africa and grows at elevations from 1300 to 1900 meters. South Africa  North west Corner Stone Circle

Salvia Buchananii “Wendys Wish”      Pool Embankment garden

Added  after 2nd September

Tea Rose “The Shambles’ Rose  x 6   South Rose garden and Front path garden

Pyrostegia venusta syn. Pyrostegia ignea   Orange Trumpet vine. Flame vine is a rampant climber that carries cascades of bright orange tubular flowers. he plant from which the painting of P. venusta in Curtis’s Botanical Magazine was illustrated was collected in Brazil in 1815 by Admiral Sir John Beresford (Second Sea Lord and Conservative politician). The species was first described by John Miers in 1863 Brazil, Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay.  Northwest Cornet garden West Fence

Petrea volubis  Purple Wreath          Front Embankment/House sign

Rhododendron vireya “Dixie”  Yellow Tropical Rhododendron  Near Plough inn

Lobelia laxiflora Mexican lobelia, Narrow leaf shrub , orange and yellow flowers. It is also considered poisonous. The plant contains alkaloids and other toxic oils that can cause vomiting, diarrhea or other problems if consumed. Introduced to Britain in 1825.    Mexico, South, Central, and North America as far north as Arizona in the United States Central Lawn and border garden near pool fence

Euphorbia fulgens   Scarlet flowering, narrow leaves  In Mexico, they are often used as Christmas plants. They’re seen as more convenient than large conifers, and as they’re a local plant, they’re in plentiful supply. Mexico   North West Corner stone circle

Spiraea x bumada  Pink. Spiraea japonica is one of the parent plants of Spiraea x bumalda. Flowering semideciduous Spiraea China North west Corner garden

Westringea fruiticosa “ Wynyabbie Gem”         North west Corner garden

Anigozanthus hybrid “Bush Pearl”  red-pink flowering Kangaroo paw     North West Corner garden

Banksia Integrifolia Coastal Banksia               North West Rainforest garden

Grevillea glossadenia x venusta “Orange Marmalade”  North West Corner garden/border

Grevillea whiteana “Moonlight   North West Corner garden/border

Grevillea (G.Superb and G.Moonlight) “Flamingo”  Pink   North West Corner garden/border

Grevillea longistyla x venusta  “Firesprite” North West Corner garden/border

Hardenbergia violacea “Meema”  Purple flowering bushy groundcover  Western fence Fenced Rose garden

Hovea acutifolia ‘Ponted Leaved Hovea’  Purple flowering sub shrub. The genus name honours Anton Pantaleon Hove, a Polish plant collector. Eastern Australia North border near Plough inn

Metrosideros collina “Spingfire” native to French Polynesia and the Cook islands. The species was first formally described by botanist Johann Reinhold Forster and his son Georg Forster in 1775. It was given the name Leptospermum collinum. Front Embankment/ House sign

Hibiscus roas-sinensis  “Snowflake”  Variegated red flowering Hibiscus  Criss cross garden

Also from Punnet , throughout, oncluding these locations
Brassica oleracea   Ornamental Kale           front path garden

Gaura lindheimeri   Butterfly Bush            North west Corner Garden

Statice perezii “Blue Seas”

Coreopis grandiflora                                  North west Corner


Primula malacoides                                   Stone bed, Central shrub garden

Viola x wittrockiana Pansy “Giant Butterflys”  Near Back stairs

Viola cornuta                                         Stone bed. Near back stairs

From seed:
Tropeolum majus  Nasturtium “Black Velvet”

Tropeolum majus  Nasturtium  “Jewel Cherry Rose”