In preparation there has been a lot of plant propagation done with many tempting unusual perennials on offer, with best prepared by Kate Stock at Hunchy. As in the past ther will also be an excellent range of cuttings grown Heritage Roses, Teas, Chinas and Climbers for sale.
The principle purpose of the Open garden and plant sale is to raise funds for the Hunchy Community Association , for their Hall insurance (the Old Hunchy School and grounds) and maintenance. These plant sales are a principal form of fundraising for the group and a great source of rarer, hard to find and unusual plants.
About Hunchy
The very small locality of
"Hunchy" is situated just below Montville on the Eastern side of the
Blackall Range. The small community of less than 40 families support the upkeep
of the Hunchy School as their community hub. The insurance and running costs
are very hard for such a small group to raise so this fund raiser is a good
way for them to make a big dent in their
costs for the year.In our own garden we have been so happy to see some newly acquired species get a great start. We are always nervous about planting juvenile specimens when rain is unreliable. We have no irrigation system.
Cracking on are
Plants collected Garden History trip October 2013-10-23
Casino Salix matsudana (Twisted Willow) named for Japanese Botanist
Sadahisa Matsuda. A realatively short lived tree which is invasive near water
courses, Northern China and Korea Blue Trellis Garden
From Glen
Innes Centranthus ruber (Red Valerian) Perennial from Mediterranean Central
Shrub Garden
Euonymous japonicus aureo-marginatus (Golden Variegated Japanese Laurel) Central Shrub
Escallonia rubra "Crimson Spires) evergreen shrubs with glossy, leathery, toothed leaves, sometimes
sticky, and 5-petalled white, pink or red flowers in terminal racemes or
panicles in summer and early autumn South
America Eastern Border garden
Physocarpus opulifolius purpurea (Atlantic Ninebark) eastern North America
on rocky hillsides and banks of streams[3] as well as in moist thickets,
especially in counties south of the Missouri River .It is fast-growing, insect-
and disease-resistant, and drought-tolerant. Central Shrub garden rel, to Spiraea
Osmanthus heterophyllus purpureus (False Holly) 'Purpureus' is a compact evergreen shrub to 4m, with leathery,
spined, holly-like leaves, dark coppery-bronze when young, and small, fragrant
white flowers in late summer and autumn China Eastern Border
Abelia schumannii syn. A.
longituba native to central China. It is a semi-evergreen shrub growing to 2 m (7 ft) tall
by 3 m (10 ft) broad. Pink flowers with red calyces are produced in late summer and autumn. The
species is named after the German botanist Karl Moritz Schumann. In cultivation it requires a sheltered, south-facing
aspect. Central
Shrub garden
Aristea ensifolia (Blue Stars) Acquired from Hunchy
gardeners and only identified after visiting Coffs Harbour botanic gardens. An
elegant clump forming plant with sword shaped, Iris like foliage aroubnd long
stems that bear masses of lovely small six petalled blue flowers in spring and
summer. They are only marginally frost hardy and the flowers close up at night.
South Africa South of fenced rose garden, Wishing
Juveniles which had been potted up and waiting for rain
Buddleja lindleyana Front Path and Criss Cross Gardens
Spiraea japonica 'Goldflame' Central Shrub Garden, stone circle
Spiraea cantoniensis 'Reeves' single Central shrub garden
Garrya elliptica 'James Roof' East border garde, stone circle
Abelia grandiflora variegata central shrub
Abelia grandiflora "Kaleidoscope" central shrub garden
Hippeastrum papilio Blue trellis garden
Kolkwitzia amabilis
Hydrangea walk
Lamium maculatum "Marshmallow" Hydrangea walk
Pittosporum tenuifolium. Small tree to 10m. The flowers generally
go unnoticed because of their colour, a very dark reddish-purple, and are
scented only at night. It is found growing wild in coastal and lower mountain
forest areas up to an altitude of 900m New
Zealand Stone circle
tenuifolium "Irene Patterson" stone circle
Retama monosperma
syn. (Genista monosperma, Spartium
monosperma, Lygos monosperma) Mediterranean Front Path garden
Viburnum opulus
Hydrangea walk
Weigela florida variegata stone
Weigela foliis purpureus stone
"Monica of Omeo" ROR, a gift
from Darling Downs HRIA and Bonita Cattell.
This rose was
found at Omeo, an old rose in a house lived in by longstanding resident
Monica. Red double, upright shrub. Central Lawn and border
Scutellaria costaricana (scarlet skullcap) Royal Horticultural Society (Great
Britain) 1864 "It is a native of Costa Rica and was introduced into
Europe, we believe, by Mr. Wendland, to whom we are indebted for our living
plants which flowered in a warm stove in 1863". Panama Costa Rica East Garden
Ruellia elegans (Brazilian petunia) This species has open-faced coral-red blossoms from late
spring until fall. a large native range
from Chile to Brazil. East garden
Brugmansia variegated. Apparently
with pink flowers. Blue trellis garden
Centratherum punctatum
(Porcupine Flower) - A tender perennial to 1-2 feet tall by 2 feet wide with
coarsely-toothed heavily-veined dark green leaves that smell of pineapple when
crushed. The lavender button-like 1 1/2 inch wide flowers bloom from spring
into summer. Fenced Rose garden
cotinifolia is a broadleaf evergreen shrub native to Mexico and South
America. Treated as a shrub it reaches 10 to 15 ft
(3.0 to 4.6 m) but can be grown as a tree reaching 30 ft
(9.1 m). Small white flowers with creamy bracts bloom at the ends of the
branches in summer. The purplish stems, when broken, exude a sap that is a skin
irritant South Rose Garden, Central Shrub garden
Gynura aurantiaca, Velvet
Plant, Purple Velvet Plant. so called because of the color of its orange inflorescences. This plant is also commonly known as "Purple Passion"
because of the velvety purple leaves Native
to Java, velvet plant (also purple velvet plant) is a woody-based evergreen
perennial that is noted for its velvety, purple-haired foliage. Indonesia Orchid Walk