With our Open garden fast approaching on the 17th and 18th September we are finally approaching the end of some projects and some of the preparation.
The 'plough Inn' , our old packing shed has been renovated or at least brought back to a safe condition with the help of friends. Our rustic garden feature/fountain has reached a satidfactory stage although I have not really identified the various ferns which we have planted to decorate it. some i can identify such as the Doodia, Pteris and Adiantum species. Other identifications will be a job for the future.
Our 'Gatehouse' has been erected near the front gate to greet visitor in shelter. The gatepost nearest had to be removed and will need replacing this weekend.
Showers and rain continue and all that we can hope is that he weather will be fine for the day
Dendrobium moschatum yellow flowering orchid, South America
Pedilanthus tithymaloides syn Euphorbia tithymalacoides (zig zag plant, devils backbone)
Euchomis comosa var. "Chocolate pineapple lily' South Africa Garden hybrid
Hibiscus mutabilis var. "Tony" single crimson
Hydrangea macrophylla 'maiko'
Hydrangea macrophylla variegatum
Osteospermum varieties
Otocanthus caeruleus (Little Blue Boy, Brazilian Snapdragon)
Pelargonium hortorum "Big red", also a single pink
Pandorea jasminoides variegatum
Pandorea pandorana var. 'Golden Showers'
Pandorea pandorana
Camellia japonica 'Helenor'
Camellia japonica 'Tabb'
Camellia japonica 'Fimbriata'
Camellia japonica 'Great Eastern'
Trees removed or heavily reduced
Anona (Custard Apple) , overshaded in an area dominated by Red cedars and other trees
Delonix regia (Poinciana) , very tall, brittle and has not flowered in 15 years. In an area already fully occupied by Brachychiton acerfolius, Bolly gum, Red cedar.
Tibouchina 'Noelene' An area to be redeveloped to illustrate Michelia and very old fashion Camelias with variegated or mottled flower patterns.
June 2011 In a cleared area where a Custard Apple tree was removed.
Rhoeo, Bromeliads and 3 x slowly recovering Sygygium spp
Cordylline fruticosa rubra x3
Deiffenbachia var. x1
Pleomele reflexa 'variegated' Song of India India
Codiaeum var. x2
Begonia rhizomatous
Cycas revoluta (Sago cycad) x3 Southern Japan
transplanted small non thriving Cordyllines x3
From Mount Tambourine and Sunray Nursery Nambour
Magnolia x loebneri 'Merrill'
Magnolia x soulangeana unknown hybrid
In renovated gardens both front and back of house
Echium candicans x3
Felicia amelloides x2
Artemisia pontica Roman Wormwood Southern Europe
Artemisia arborescens Tree Wormwood Middle east
Artemisia dracunculus var. sativa French Tarragon Caspian, Siberia
Tagetes lucida Mexican Tarragon
Dorotheanthus bellidiformis Livingstone Daisy South Africa
Osteospermum var. 'Serenity Sunburst'
Pachyveria glauca hybrid Mexico
Pachyphytum oviferum Mexico
Echeveria hybrid Mexico
Rhoeo spathacia central America
In Northern gardens
Abrophyllum ornans Native hydrangea
Randia benthamiana syn Atractocarpus benthamianus Narrow leaved Gardenia
Alocasia brisbanensis formerly A. macrorrhizos Cunjevoi
Anopterus macleayanus Macleay Laurel
Seedlings and seeds sewn during June/ July/ August 2011
Beta vulgaris subsp. cicla Rainbow chard
Lactuca sativa L. var. longifolia Cos or Romaine lettuce
Borago officinalis Borage
Helianthus annuus Sunflower
Viola X Wittrockiana Patiola violet Pansy
Viola tricolor
Petunia x hybrida
Pisum sativum garden Pea
Oenethera missouriensis Evening Primrose
Cleome hasslerianan
Antirrhinum majus Snapdragon
Brassica oleacea var.sabellica Kale
Capsicum annuum
Cucurbita pepo Zucchini
Dianthus barbutus Sweet William
Gypsophila panniculata Babys breath
Limomium tataricum Statice
Petroselinum crispum Parsley small and large leaf varieties.
Daucus carota Queens Annes Lace
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