One of the exciting things about having an open garden and a birthday close together is the number of new plants which come into the garden. Here is a list of our latest additions
Plant additions sept 2011
all from Kate Stock at Hunchy as cuttings
Salvia x hybrid 'Phyllis Fancy", mauve and white from "Waverly"
Salvia x hybrid "Waverley"
Salvia involucrata hybrid "Romantic Rose"
Salvia hybrid (S. longispicata and S. farinacea) "Indigo Spires"
Tradescantia andersonia hybrid (purple flower)
Penstemon hybrid
Tea Roses from cutting "Lady Hillingdon" South garden
" Rubens" “Hay Valley Tea ROR” probably same as "Rose sold as Mme Hoste ROR". ... (usually sold as 'Rubens' or 'Mme Laurette Messimy', sometimes as “Octavus Weld" East Garden
"Parks Yellow Tea Scented" Wisteria trellis
Other roses from cutting "Safrano' Uniting Church
"Carabella" Uniting Church
" Weeping Pink China" Montville Hall
Plants as birthday gifts
Leptospermum "Naoko" L. flavescens 'Cardwell' x L.scoparium nana
Rhododendron indica "Alba magnifica' from Montville Surgery
Rhododendron indica "Mrs Kint" from Eleanor , both Azaleas near
Cassia fistula
Camellia japonica "Emperor of Russia" variegated Chris and Ed Donlen, near drive
Magnolia grandiflora "Kay Parris" from Margaret and Jon Outridge, placed near Wisteria trellis
Dipladenia sanderi red, from Mum and Dad near East boundary
Rhaphealepis indica "Springtime" from Mum and Dad near the stone circle
Calceolaria x hybrid yellow from Paula and James, Hydrangea walk
Ornithogalum thyrsoides hybrid "Chesapeake Starlight", one from Mum and Dad, one from Tracy and Chris Collie, East Garden
Shrub roses "Make a Wish" Floribunda, Treloar Michelle and Michael Johnston, path garden
"Paul Bocuse" Guillot, France Ruth and Tom Moroney , south garden
"Lili Marlene" Floribunda Kordes 1959 Germany, from Eleanor, path garden.