Top ten list of garden plants

  • Abutilons of all kinds
  • Buddlejas old and new
  • Epiphytic orchids and ferns
  • Gordonia species
  • Heliotrope, Lemon verbena, Fennel and herbs
  • Michelias of all sorts
  • Perennial Salvias large and small
  • Species Camellias
  • Tea and China Roses
  • Weigela of all types

Montville Rose

Friday, September 14, 2018

House and garden

It seems a long time since writing a blog which means I have just been more occupied in the garden and doing the routine maintenance such as painting the house. Not the whole house though it sometimes feels like,why stop now?Painting lattice has been a pain but it looks heaps better now and Shadow's ( border collie) bedroom (aka verandah ) has been made over in a colour named Tendril that is paint that needed to be used up.  All he needs now is a statement piece ,perhaps a good sized picture of a bone .The paint tins are actually rusting so like many things they don't make tins like they used to.Another big job that has been completed today is the relaying of pavers around they pool which was done by Rick a professional . Naturally it had all been laid wrong the first time 20 years ago but they have to say that ! It looks great .
A lot of work has been happening in the garden  including the addition of new plants due to a diversion to Sunray Garden Centre and a brief visit to Manawee and Bunnings. Not to mention a fairly constant stream  of cuttings from friends and  road sides.It has also been the biannual repotting of the anthiriums which is a a pleasant thing to do. Cuttings of rosemary and lavender are in the nursery and I will soon do some rose cuttings too. The composting area has been reorganised with the mulcher now nearby for quick use. No  garden waste is removed from the property and who cares about a few discrete ( cubic metre ) piles in the corners?
I can be occupied out in the garden most days until dark  as there is always a new idea or something to be done.  Having groups of visitors to your garden does make you focus so I suggest that anyone who has some jobs to do around the garden just call a local club and arrange for them to visit you in a months time and see how you get into action. It doesn't matter which club , the local tennis club, canoers, darts group or machine knitters. I find that groups are often looking for a place to come and sit down and to have a nice morning tea. Write a few lists and get on with it. 
I got heaps done , painted the gate house, trimmed, mowed, raked, cleaned and I think we all felt better for it especially after the glass of midday merlot .

Finally it is time to revisit the coral fountain and to actually finish it. In preparation we are gathering shells and I am making a clam shell from clay as a real one is $1000. 
One more thing that is on the go is the re painted signage for the plants in the garden .Buckets of signs are everywhere and yet not all the plants have been named! So I will say happy Christmas now as I may not emerge for some time. Kyleigh