A new garden 'The Magnolia Garden' near back stairs around Magnolia liliiflora 'Vulcan. Agapanthus , large clumps transplantedto Eastern boundary beyond the pool fence. New garden has Haemerocallis (Day Lilys) transplanted from front path garden, Violas and already has little Rosas from cutting,'Eyes for You', '10000 lights', 'Mutabilis' a Cream tea , 'Victora pride' and has places for 'Blue for You' and 'Blushing Knockout' which arenot ready yet as cuttings. Violas and possibly Bellis perrennis make up the look
Newly painted Plough Inn and large Macadamia just before complete removal
Plough Inn repaved and repainted June 2018
Large Macadamia removed from SW corner Plough Inn.North end Central Shrub garden
Roses from cutting transplanted to North Rosa Garden along with Lilium yankonensis from front ath garden. Rhododendron vireya from cutting also doing well in garden behin North Rosa Garden
Gordonia axillaris flowering well into July
Into North end central Shrub garden were transplanted large Callicarpa bodineri, Salvia 'Follets Folly', Cuphea salvadorensis and Brunfelsia americana
Behind Plough Inn clearedOverall the process of reorganization and garden development will help us look forward to a wonderful spring display from many new specimens