After the very welcome rain we have over flowing tanks and happy plants . I can hear the steady whirr of chain saws in every direction as the clean up continues after the storm that hit Montville a couple of weeks ago. Added to that is the need to reduce overhanging branches and to let the sun into dark corners and for these jobs we have Brent come in to help so I don't have to struggle with inadequate blunt tools and directions from Michael . Not only that but he "chips " and that is a great relief to me because I hate the chipper even though it does do a great job. It is something about the noise and the need to be so selective when feeding the thing not to mention the occasional blockages that annoy me.
On the fun side we are planting out a huge collection of cuttings grown plants in order to clear the decks as well as a few new shop bought plants that we keep buying even though we don't need more plants. The latest is Diamonds in the Dark, Lagerstroemia indica - Pure white . This gorgeous plant has deep plum coloured foliage and white flowers. I like the contrast and hope it will do well in a few places around the garden.
Sadly the Plough Inn is very damp after the rain and it is necessary to repave it and do a better job of raising the floor level . It even has a sink hole which is interesting if you don't accidentally step in it. There is something down there because Shadow is intrigued and emerges with a dirty nose.
As usual the garden is always in a state of flux and we would hate it to be a static space where all that was required was hedging. The garden is a main topic of conversation and we both have notebooks (where's the pen?)with "ideas and plans" that keep us amused. The Plough Inn for example could have french doors , be sealed properly and have a stove recess. The side verandah could become a dream bed room to look out at leaves and a tree house could be built in the nut tree. We could have a bridge but we don't have any water!Doesn't everyone do this? Don't get too excited because nothing may happen!Ideas aren't always good.
We are looking forward to two groups doing return visits the garden in March and April . This is lovely for us as it will show the garden in a different season but there will be other changes to see as well. K
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
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