Collected 2016
Home Run From Cutting , Shrub Rose,
Single Red repeat flowering . Tom Carruth USA 2001 Front path
The RSL Rose syn. 'Garden
Director Bartje Miller'. From Cutting. Hybrid Tea double Red , repeat flowering
. Meilland France 2008 Front path garden
the East Border garden a reasonably large area of overgrown Jasmine (Jasminium
officinale) was cleared with quite an effort adjacent to a drift of Azaleas,
Vireyas and Fuchsia.
plantings in the East Border gardens are
(Rhododendron indica) 'Alphonse Anderson'
Alba Magnifica
vireya Toff
Archangel (white)
Coral Seas
davidii 'Velvet'
vernalis 'Star above
plantings, in an area cleared of weed, Poinsettia in the north end of the
central shrub garden. Hibiscus mutabilis and Hibiscus syriacus were liberated
grown Roses 'Comtesse de Labarthe'
'Beauty of
Rose' multiflora hybrid
cuttings grown Fuchsia and Rosemary were
Also Dipladenia sanderi x 2 cultivars (white and pink)
Rosa 'Kardinal"
Multiflora Repeat flowering grafted
rose. Kordes, Germany 1989 added to North rose garden
Goldfussia “Chameleon” - Strobilanthes anisophyllus
interesting garden plant that will change it's colour randomly through the year
from yellow veined leaves, to orange, pink and burgundy and any shades in
between. Goldfussia 'Chameleon' can be grown as a low formal hedge or an
informal shrub and can display different
colours at the same time topping it off with mauve, bell-shaped flowers in the
middle of Winter. 'Chameleon' likes full sun to semi shade' excellent for
Sydney and Brisbane climates. Evergreen and hardy with height 1.2 - 1.5 m. Cut
back after flowering. Can withstand light frost. Criss Cross garden
longifolia syn. Trimezia
martinicensis Has yellow Iris type flowers on leaf stems .from Mexico,
South America and Martinique. Very tough, pretty and reliable
chantrieri is an unusual plant in that it has black flowers.
These flowers are somewhat bat-shaped, are up to 12 inches across, and have
long 'whiskers' . Tacca chantrierei
is native to tropical regions of Southeast Asia including Thailand, Malaysia,
and southern China: particularly Yunnan Province.[3] They are understory
plants, so they prefer shade (at least 60%). They grow best in well-drained
soil with good air circulation, but they prefer high humidity, and need a lot
of water. Original description of Tacca chantrieri. was in 1901 by ḖF André. Rainforest garden
White Mulberry is a very widespread and important crop for silkworm feed, fruit
and timber. The species is native to northern China, and is widely cultivated
including in Southern Europe for over a thousand years. It is known as shahatut
in Hindi,Tuta in Sanskrit, Tuti in Marathi, Dut in Turkish and Toot in Persian
in Azerbaijani and in Armenian. North west Corner garden

involucrata Native to China, handkerchief tree was
once considered to be the Holy Grail of exotic flora, and seeds were first sent
to England by the legendary botanist Ernest Wilson in 1901. A deciduous tree
from China, handkerchief tree is best known for its striking display of floral
bracts in late spring. Its small, reddish purple flower heads are surrounded by
a pair of large, white bracts up to 30 cm long, which are said to resemble
dangling handkerchiefs or doves resting on the branches. The
young plants exhibit healthy dark red shoots and take about ten years to
flower, after which flowers are produced in most years. China. North west Corner garden
longiflora Needle Flower Tree. Long tubular white flowers with
distinctive night time fragrance. Grows to a modest sized tree in tropical
areas and will flower throughout the year as long as the light level is high
and the temperatures are warm. It has spreading branches and large glossy, deep
green leaves. A somewhat slow grower, it forms clusters of blooms on the ends
of the newest growth. Once established, it can tolerate varying light conditions
and watering. The genus was established by Aublet in 1775 on material from French Guiana. South America North west Corner
Shadow in NorthWest Corner Garden.
3 Large Privets removed and the large Inga edulis removed creating a dramatic well lit area sorrounded by Palms and maturing Australian trees , Black Bean, red Cedar and tamarind.
Plants transplanted or added to this area included
Knifophia aloides
Reinwardtia indica (Southern Side)
Bauhinea torulosa (Western side)
Graptophyllum illiciolium (Northern Side)
Clerodendrum bungeii (Corners)
Morus alba (South West Corner)
Davidia involucrata (Southern side)
Lomandra hystrix (Southern side)
Brillantasia (Corners),
Anenome hupehensis (Central stone bed)
Angelonia, various annual seeds
Trees hung with off Dendrobium orchids.
Posoquera longifolia (Eastern Side). Much more to follow
Michael Simpson