Top ten list of garden plants

  • Abutilons of all kinds
  • Buddlejas old and new
  • Epiphytic orchids and ferns
  • Gordonia species
  • Heliotrope, Lemon verbena, Fennel and herbs
  • Michelias of all sorts
  • Perennial Salvias large and small
  • Species Camellias
  • Tea and China Roses
  • Weigela of all types

Montville Rose

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

New developments, new plantings Spring 2014 at "The Shambles"

Bouvardia longifolia Pink
Encouraged by warmer weather and a couple of showery days (no real rain) we have seen new spring foliage and flowers start to erupt throughout the garden.
Newly added plants include Bouvardia longifolia "Daphne" series in pinks, white and also in red. These were placed in a sheltered position below the verandah.
A collection of Iochroma being held over winter were planted out in a redeveloped area near the drive, shaded by a very large Tabebuia chrysotrica and Cassia fistula. Iochroma include "Wine Red" I. warweszekii and other varieties.
Juvenile specimens of Forsythia viridissima, Viburnum suspensum, Viburnum opulus and Kolkwitzia amabilis have survived the winter and are producing their spring foliage or flowers. At last we have flowers coming on Hippeastrum papilio and a well established group of Smow Poppy Eucomis.

Our car garage, being immediately on the left when entering the garden has been made over by being lined and with the addition of fancy cornices and columns to compliment the garden all around it. The Cardinal creeper Ipomoea horsfallii has been preserved and the Honeysuckle which once dominated will be kept low.
Michael Simpson

Monday, September 1, 2014

"Thje Shambles" Spring approaches, new projects

The whole of the ground beneath this Cassia fisula and the Tabebuia next to it needs to be regardened before spring.

Several new plants were added and a couple replaced over the weekend

Stenocarpus "Doreen" near wishing well
replaced Grevillea "Caloundra Gem" near Gatehouse
replaced Rondeletia amoena near gate and a group of thriving Camellia sasanqua

Prumnopitys ladei or Black Pine is establishing well near Blue trellis garden and is a much safer bet than Wollemia nobilis which hated our rich soil and wet conditions at times.

Plans advancing well to renovate our 4 bay car garage to better compliment the style of the house and garden
Michael Simpson