Heliotrope arborens or Cherry Pie
See our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/montvillegarden
The Shambles Montville Facebook page is loaded with attacractive photographs,, and website www.montvillegarden.com
Plants added to “The Shambles” august 2014
Dracaena godseffiana “Florida Beauty” Ovate pale green
leaves strongly speckled with creamy white, bourne on weeping stems RainForest
Draecena marginata “Colorama” long narrow leaves stiped in
cream, red and orange bourne on woody stem Blue trellis garden
Alpinia zerumbet variegata Variegated shell ginger Rain
Forest Corner
Philodendron “Xanadu” ZSrongly clumping Philodendron with
wave edges leaves, popular with landscapers Rain Forest Corner
Luculia fragrantissima
A little specimen which had been hardeniong off in our propagation area
South East Corner garden
Luculia grandiflora A tiny specimen planted from our
propagation area into Rock Stone Circle Garden
Rosa mulitiflora “Allys Rose” resembling “Ballerina” planted
into Front Path garden and South Rose Garden
Rosa ?chinensis “Weeping Pink” A cutting planted into South
Rose garden
Eranthemum pulchellum “Dark Blue Blue Trellis Garden
Pachystachys lutea Blue Trellis garden
Plectranthus eckonii (white, pink and blue) Blue trellis
Azalea “Orange Delight” South Rose Garden