Top ten list of garden plants

  • Abutilons of all kinds
  • Buddlejas old and new
  • Epiphytic orchids and ferns
  • Gordonia species
  • Heliotrope, Lemon verbena, Fennel and herbs
  • Michelias of all sorts
  • Perennial Salvias large and small
  • Species Camellias
  • Tea and China Roses
  • Weigela of all types

Montville Rose

Monday, May 26, 2014

Heritage Roses at "The Shambles" recognised on a National Plant Collections Register

Tea Rose 'Isabella Sprunt' 1855 USA a sport of Safrano
Our growing collection of Heritage and Old Fashioned  has been entered in the National Plant Collections Register of Garden Plant Conservation Association of Australia.
We hope that this registration will assist in some small way for future visitors and follow garden enthusiasts to recognise the importance of maintaining the diversity of species in gardens.The Heritage Roses in Australia group has done a great deal to promote interest in, and to preserve these roses wherever they are found.We hope it also inspires gardeners to maintain inventories of the plants in their gardens to assist in garden plant conservation. 
We are pleased to be members of Garden Plant Conservation Association of Australia, Heritage Roses in Australia and the Australian Garden History Society.

Living Rose inventory, ‘The Shambles” Montville 2014, 
Old roses, grown almost exclusively from cutting form the basis of our collection. Most are Tea or China type roses but there is always room for more modern and Australian Roses.
Many of the roses listed are well established and flower freely. Some are less successful, due to reduced disease resistance in our humid climate and reduced sunlight in some areas of our shady garden.
There is no irrigation system.
Supplemental feeding with Sulphate of potash and Epsom salts together with organic material does benefit our roses.
Limited and judicious pruning is done as they do not always survive aggressive pruning in our warm climate.
DUCHESSE DE BRABANT syn COMTESSE DE LABARTHE (Tea,  DOUBLE REMONTANT all from cuttings) An excellent rose in South East Queensland. Disease free, flowers freely summer and winter, highly perfumed and tolerant of shade. Strikes easily from cutting. Very low maintenance. Bernede, France 1857 In most of our rose gardens, Montville Village hall and Montville Uniting Church gardens.

BLOOMFIELD ABUNDANCE also known as SPRAY CECILE BRUNNER ( RAMBLER,DOUBLE  REMONTANT from cuttings)A successful tall growing rose in that the button hole roses are best appreciated when first opening. Disease free and low maintenance. Thomas USA 1920 Front Path Garden

HERITAGE  (ENGLISH ROSE,DOUBLE  REMONTANT grafted)A beautiful flower and a reasonably sturdy shrub. Moderate disease resistance. Humid weather does cause some foliage disease. High Maintenance. Austin, UK, 1984 North Rose garden

MME LAMBARD. (TEA,DOUBLE  REMONTANT from cuttings)     An excellent, tall sturdy and disease free rose. The mid-pink double flowers have a sturdier neck than Comptesse de Labarthe. Low maintenance. Lacharme, France, 1864 Two, North Lawn border garden

FREIHERR VON MARSCHALL.(Rose given to us as this name) (TEA,DOUBLE  REMONTANT from cutting) A reliable disease free rose with beautiful full pink blooms. Low maintenance. Lambert,Germany,1903 South Rose Garden (identity is challenged!)

CLAIR MATIN  (HYBRID MUSK,SEMI-DOUBLE  REMONENT from cutting)Reliable tall growing shrub or climber. We have seen beautiful flowering . Seems to be a strong and low maintenance rose.   Meilland,France,1960 South Rose Garden

G.NABONNAND which came to us as JEAN DUCHER (TEA, DOUBLE REMONTANT grafted) This is one of the choice soft pink double roses in the garden and one of our few grafted roses left. Delicious perfume, Tall, freely flowering and Low maintenance.  Nabbonand, France, 1874 Two in South Rose garden

 “HUNCHY ROSE’” R.O.R. Study name for a cutting grown tea or possible China rose growing in the area below Montville where we live. Smaller, crimson to red double flowers. Front Path garden, establishing well.

MME BERKELEY (TEA,DOUBLE REMONTANT from cutting) Strong reliable free flowering shrub. Flowers are smaller, at times, but beautiful. Very low  maintenance. Bernaix,France 1899 Fenced Rose Garden, North lawn Borders.

BABE  (POLYANTHA,SEMI-DOUBLE REMONTANT from cutting) Seems to be quite reliable. Not in a good spot and disease resistance moderate. Doesn't seem to flower as readily as tea and china roses. Moderate maintenance. Hazelwood, Australia, 1935 North Lawn Border garden/pool fence

MRS B.R.CANT (TEA,DOUBLE REMONTANT, grafted) strong but untidy looking bush. The flowers are full and a beautiful deep pink. Moderate disease resistance and requires some maintenance. Cant,UK, 1901 Cuttings grown South Rose garden,

MRS REYNOLDS-HOLE.(TEA,DOUBLE REMONTANT grafted)Long canes on a grafted bush and few flowers. High maintenance on the plant we have. Our weather and position may not favour this rose.Nabonnand,France, 1900 North Rose garden

LAURE DAVOUST (MULTIFLORA HYBRID, DOUBLE CLIMBER) Once (spring or summer) flowering pink climber with a subtle perfume. Laffay, France 1834 South Rose Garden

PINK CASCADE  ( TEA,MODERN,SEMIDOUBLE, REMONTANT CUTTING)Seems robust, disease resistance and has beautiful short lasting deep pink single to semi-double flowers. Low maintenance. From Mapleton Hardware, Bred at a nursery on Mt Tambourine, parentage unknown, very good rose.looking very much like a China rose. Front Path Garden

THE FAIRY  (POLYANTHA,DOUBLE REMONTANT transplant from old garden) Otherwise known here as “CARAMEL SWIRL” after a former pet mouse buried thereunder. Hardy, flowers freely but foliage is disease prone. Moderate maintence, low growing and thorny, needs frequent foliage care.  Bentall,UK,1932 Front path garden

CORNELIA  (HYBRID MUSK, SEMI-DOUBLE REMONTANT from cutting) A lovely tall plant, free flowering and strong if well supported. Moderate disease resistance but rewarding. Pemberton,UK, 1925 North Rose garden

OLD BLUSH CHINA   (CHINA, SEMI-DOUBLE, REMONTANT from cutting) Tough and a little twiggy and unimpressive at times , but a reliable rose and very low maintenance. Flowers short lived and foliage sparse at times. Before 1750, China parent North Rose garden

LA MARNE  (NOISETTE, DOUBLE REMONTANT from cutting) New in 2005 in our garden. Establishing well and seems to promise low maintenance. Flowers are small and quite beautiful small, double crimson colour. Front Path garden,

MAMAN COCHET, (TEA, DOUBLE PALE PINK WITH YELLOW FLUSH, from cutting) Making a strong start this beautiful rose promises to be a reliable garden performer with low maintenance. Cochet, France, 1893. North lawn Borders

ROSA MULTIFLORA Pink, (SPECIES, SINGLE Spring flowering, all from cutting) We have a number of these very strong, low maintenance specimens about which are quite lovely in flowering season when very established. Easy to grow , smaller leaves can be disease prone. Trellis back stairs

ABRAHAM DERBY (ENGLISH ROSE, DOUBLE ,REMONTANT grafted) The best Austin rose we have. Abundant beautiful flowers on a very vigorous bush. Disease resistance moderate, high maintenance when considering foliage care and the need to remove large canes each year.  Austin,UK, 1985  North lawn Borders

"MRS E.V.MARSH" given to us as this name, (? Pink/Cream/double Tea  from cutting) this rose resembles Tea rose Mrs. Dudley Cross. Roses may have more yellow than pink in them at times. Front Path garden

BEAUTY OF GLENHURST (MODERN SINGLE, REMONTANT from cutting)Very vigorous, strong, repeat single flowers without perfume. Very attractive colour. Very rewarding and low maintenance. Morley, Australia, 1979 South Rose garden, Montville Village hall.

ALBERTINE  (CLIMBER ,DOUBLE SPRING ONLY, grafted) Big thorny climber. One for the enthusiast really. Moderate disease resistance and high maintenance. Once a year the form and colour of buds and flowers are so lovely this rose is almost worthwhile. Barbier, France,1921 South Rose Garden trellises

UNCLE TOM given to us as this name, resembles PARADE? (MODERN SHRUB, REMONENT, from cutting) Established very strongly with no evidence of foliage disease. This may be a beautiful double pink climber Breeding of Parade is .Boener,USA,1953 Front Path garden

PERL D’OR (REMONTANT,NOISETTE,DOUBLE,CUTTING),strong specimen, beautiful, reliable, low maintenance. This is an exquisite garden rose, especially in bud. Rambau, France 1875 Fenced Rose garden
SUNNY SOUTH   (ALISTER CLARK,SEMI-DOUBLE REMONTANT, from cutting) Strong rose with good disease resistance and moderate maintenace. Flowers are nice but unspectacular and short lived. Clark Australia, 1918 North Rose garden

"Allys Rose" multiflora cultivar resembling "Ballerina"
The Shambles Photo M.Simpson

YESTERDAY (POLYANTHA, SINGLE REMONTANT cutting)Long thorny canes make this a bit harder to accommodate. strong reliable, pretty single flowers in clusters. moderate maintenance in maintaining a shape.Harkness,UK,1974 Front Path gardenELMSHORN (MODERN ,SEMI-DOUBLE  REMONTANT cutting)long thorny canes on a very vigorous plant with moderate disease resistance. very pretty flower clusters, no perfume. moderate maintenance. Kordes, Germany, 1951 South Rose garden trellises
CARABELLA (MODERN SINGLE, from cutting ) A replacement for a specimen lost in wet weather 2013  North Rose garden

"STANS LAIDLEY ROSE" R.O.R.  (POLYANTHA FROM CUTTING) Low growing shrub with beautiful small double pink flowers in clusters. North Rose garden

BALLERINA (Multiflora hybrid, single, grafted). Low growing shrub,high maintenance and few flowers in our climate.  Bentall, UK, 1937 South Rose garden

"ALLY'S ROSE" R.O.R. (multiflora hybrid?). Single repeat flowering in pink with white throat. This rose is not unlike BALLERINA in flower but has more compact habit. Bred at Buderim by John Skilbeck Front Path garden

LE VESUVE (China rose from cutting, double pink) Establishing well in shady spot. Long thorny stems, beautiful well formed double crimson-pink flowers. Shade tolerant.In deep shade most of the time outside Fenced Rose garden

ZEPHIRINE DROUHIN, (DOUBLE CLIMBER, GRAFTED) Thornless canes on a very vigourous climbing rose with delightful double crimson flowers. Fantastic size and flowring after being transplanted to our pool fence 2009. Bizot France,1868 Pool Fence Central lawn Borders

MONSIEUR TILLIER  (TEA,DOUBLE  REMONTANT both grafted and from cuttings.)A lovely healthy rewarding rose, disease resistance moderate to good, low maintenance, interesting flower form and colour. Bernaix, France, 1891 Fenced Rose garden, South Rose Garden

RENAE (SEMI DOUBLE, CLIMBING POLYANTHA), Repeat flowering climber Moore, USA, 1954 South Rose garden

TRIOMPHE DU LUXEMBOURG  acquired by us as this name  ( TEA ROSE, FROM CUTTING, REMONTANT) Double pink flowers, needs support, a beautiful rose.Hardy, France,1835 1835  South Rose garden

QUEENS ELIZABETH (Modern shrub, double , grafted) Struggles on as most of our grafted specimens do. Lammerts USA 1954 South Rose garden

SPARIESHOOP (Modern Shrub, single pink, grafted, remontant) New in 2012. Surviving after a horrible start with drought and Bandicoot attack! Kordes, Germany 1953 North Rose Garden

THE STRAW ROSE (? Modern Quite Miniature) From cutting Tiny flower clusters Front path garden
MONICA OF OMEO,  ROR (A gift of cutting grown rose from Bonita Cattell, Toowoomba) Central lawn and borders garden

LOUIS XIV   (DEEP RED TEA,DOUBLE REMONTANT from cutting) Frail, small ,but healthy  rose. Exquisite deep red/black blooms. moderate/low maintenance. Guillot, France 1859 Front path garden

GLOIRE DES ROSOMANES (RAGGED ROBIN)  (SINGLE CRIMSON, REMONTANT from cutting)Vigorous low maintenance shrub with healthy foliage. very interesting flowers and colour.Vibert, France 1825 Fenced Rose garden

CRAMOISI SUPERIEUR (CHINA,DOUBLE REMONTANT all from cutting) Healthy, low growing, sparse foliage and twiggy. very low maintence, lovely small double crimson flowers reliably through the season. Coquereau, France 1832 front path Garden, South Rose garden, North Rose Garden.

ROSA CHINENSIS SEMPREVERENS (CHINA, DOUBLE, RECURRENT from cutting. Acquired in 2012 . One to trial near back stairs and the other in South Rose garden

COLONEL FABVIER  (CHINA? SEMI-DOUBLE ,REMONTANT cutting). small, somewhat twiggy shrub, healthy, low maintenance. interesting small semi-double blooms with a central streak of white. Front Path garden                           

RESTLESS (ALISTER CLARK,DOUBLE RED,REMONTANT all from cuttings) Lovely healthy, low maintenance shrub, reliable double red blooms.Clark, Australia, 1938 North Rose Garden, Front Path Garden

RED CASCADE (,MINIATURE, DOUBLE, from cutting), Beautiful clusters of perfect red miniature roses on a low scrambling or climbing bush. North Rose garden

RED PIERRE DE RONSARD (DOUBLE RED CLIMBER, REPEAT FLOWERING,grafted). On trial in a good sunny position. This rose made a good start in 2010 but our wet weather may defeat it. Sport of Meilland "Pierre de Ronsard" Not great, trellis at Back Stairs.

BLOOMFIELD COURAGE  ( RED RAMBLER,SINGLE SPRING all from cuttings) Once flowering and disease prone in a quite shaded position. moderate maintenance so far, spring flowers are attractive .Thomas, USA 1925 North East Border, Trellis South Rose garden.

ROSA MULTIFLORA red (Species, Spring flowers, from cutting) A roadside specimen propagated and obtained through “Diggers club”.We expect a tall scrambling or climbing shrub. South Rose garden , South trellis

LILI MARLENE (Semi-Double Grafted). A Present from Eleanor. Doesn't enjoy our wet weather front path garden

GENERAL GALLIENI   (TEA,DOUBLE REMONTANT grafted)A lovely strong rose with low disease risk, low maintenance and very interesting polychrome red flowers. South Rose garden

UNKNOWN RED No.1  (?MODERN SHRUB, healthy from cutting) Large double red flowers with lovely perfume. This rose survives without really thriving, resembles a modern shrub such as Mr Lincoln. Nearly Lost 2012, Front path garden

UNKNOWN RED No.2  (China or tea Rose, from cutting) Small tea rose like foliage, small double rich red flowers which knowing sources in our garden is either Restless, or Louis XIV. very Low Growing, Central lawn Border
DAVIDS SINGLE RED CHINA (From cutting David Curley HRIA). Beautiful healthy low growing plant. Front Path garden

ROSETTE DELIZY (TEA, DOUBLE  REMONTANT from cutting) A rose with fabulous health and very low maintenance. Interesting freely bourne double blooms in pink and cream. One of our best and easiest to grow Nabonnand, France, 1922 Fenced Rose garden, North Rose gardens

HUGO ROLLER  (TEA,DOUBLE  REMONTANT grafted) 2 strong grafted specimens from Penny McKinley at Pittsworth are establishing and flowering well. front path garden

WILLIAM R. SMITH (TEA,DOUBLE  ,REMONTANT from cutting) very healthy, very low maintenance, flowers freely lovely cream/white double flowers with some perfume  Bagg, USA, 1908. Came to us as "Dr.Grill", North Rose garden

COMTESSE DU CAYLA ( TEA,DOUBLE REMONTANT from cutting) Healthy  shrub, abundant apricot/orange flowers, seems low maintenance. Guillot, France, 1902 North Rose garden

MUTABILIS  (CHINA,SINGLE REMONENT 2 grafted, 1 from cutting) Very interesting rose of outstanding vigour, disease resistance and is low maintenance, but for the need to reduce overabundant growth. The single flowers of yellow/pink/apricot on the one shrub at the same time.    Before 1894, ?Chinese garden rose South Rose garden, North Rose garden

MRS DUDLEY CROSS (TEA,DOUBLE REMONTANT grafted)A beautiful thornless grafted rose which struggles at times, moderate disease resistance and maintenance. Beautiful flowers make it worthwhile. Paul UK 1907 Two, South Rose garden

WILLIAM MORRIS (ENGLISH ROSE,DOUBLE REMONTANT grafted). A beautiful perhaps spectacular flower, but disease resistance is disappointing and maintenance is high in our humid area.  Austin, UK  North Rose garden             

SOUVENIR DE MADAME LEONIE VIENOTT. (TEA DOUBLE CLIMBER from cutting) Vigourous seemingly healthy and low maintenance climber. Fabulous flowers.Bernaix, France, 1898 North Rose garden trellis, South Rose garden trellis.

MARIE VAN HOUTTE 1, 2005 (TEA, DOUBLE, REMONTANT,cutting) Lovely strong rose, the very double tea roses have very weak stems. Ducher, France, 1871 North Rose garden
SAFRANO (TEA, DOUBLE REMONTANT from cuttings) A reliable rose of tall strong growth. Low maintenance, beautiful if somewhat small flowers freely bourne.  One of our strongest and best performers. Beauregard, France, 1839 North Rose garden

ARETHUSA  (CHINA, DOUBLE REMONTANT from cutting) low maintenance, beautiful flowers in bud and when developed on a shrub which resembles Perl D’Or .Paul, UK, 1903 Fenced Rose garden

CREPUSCULE  (NOISETTE,DOUBLE REMONTANT 1 grafted, 2 from cutting) An outstanding vigorous rose with moderate to good disease resistance and low maintenance. Very eye catching flower form and bright apricot colour in our garden.Dubreuil, France, 1904 South Rose garden

BUFF BEAUTY  (MODERN, DOUBLE REMONTANT from cutting) A robust rose with strong canes and exceptional flowers. Moderate disease resistance and higher maintenance due to management required to long canes and foliage disease. worthwhile. Bentall, UK, 1939 Central Lawn Borders/Pool Fence

"KAYS APRICOT CHINA" (ROR) 2 2010 (CHINA CUTTING) Double Apricot perhaps "Perl D'Or or  to be identified. Front Path garden, Very slow to establish.                 

PAUL BOCUSE (MODERN, GRAFTED, DOUBLE, REMONTANT) A gift from Ruth and Tom Moroney. Seems to throw long canes and is quite vigourous. Massad/Guillot France 1992 South Rose garden

PEACE 1902 (double yellow, Tea , remontant, from cutting), A beautiful vigorous double tea rose bred from cutting. Originally bred to commemorate the end of the Boer War. Piper, UK, 1902 Central lawn Borders, South Rose garden

SOFTEE (SEMI DOUBLE, SMALL FLOWERING ?CLIMBER cutting) Beautiful pale yellow buds opening to cream flower clusters, twiggy growth prone to blackspot but vigorous with it. Moore USA 1983 North Rose garden

MRS OAKLEY FISHER (SINGLE YELLOW, REMONTANT grafted) moderate maintenance. Poor vigour in our climate. The flowers are a very special single yellow. Cant UK 1921 Front Path garden  

ISABELLA SPRUNT (TEA, DOUBLE  REMONTANT from cutting) Beautiful pale, lemon yellow colour double tea rose on a vigorous shrub. Sport of Safrano, USA 1855.South Rose garden

PERLE DES JARDINS (TEA, DOUBLE, REMONTANT from cutting by Kate Stock) Very Vigourous but prone o balling up in wet weather. Levet,France 1874 Front Path garden
PERLE DE JARDINS # 2 ROR ? possibly ETOILE DE LYON Guillot, France 1876 (TEA, DOUBLE, REMONTANT from cutting by Kate Stock) This is probably PER; DES JARDINS really as they look much the same to me. front Path garden

LADY HILLINGDON (TEA, DOUBLE, from cutting) Eastablishing slowly but well after Bandicoots had a go ywice at digging out the newly planted cutting. Lowe and Shawyer UK 1910. South Rose garden LOST 2014

UNKNOWN YELLOW No 1. 3 examples (MODERN DOUBLE REMONTANT TRANSPLANTS AND CUTTINGS)Whatever these specimens are they have reliable disease free foliage and quite beautiful double yellow blooms with a form resembling a modern shrub. Disease free and low maintenance. Front Path garden

GRAHAM THOMAS (ENGLISH ROSE,DOUBLE REMONTANT grafted) Strong shrub moderate disease resistance and maintenance. Beautiful butter yellow double flowers.Austin, UK, 1983 Central lawn Borders

ROSA BANKSIAE LUTEA (SPECIES, SPRING FLOWERING, from cutting). This reliable rose was planted as a present from Kay and Earl Simpson and has flowered reliably for many years with small double yellow tresses of blooms. East Border gardens
PROSPERITY  (HYBRID MUSK,DOUBLE REMONTANT all from cuttings) A vigorous and beautiful white rose but canes grow long and disease resistance is low to moderate so maintenance is an issue.  Pemberton UK, 1919 Fenced Rose garden

MOONLIGHT (MODERN DOUBLE REMONTANT all from cuttings) Vigorous and disease free. Cuttings establish easily and seems to tolerate shade. Low maintenance, flower frequency only moderate. Poor vigour and disease resistance. Pemberton UK 1913 Front Embankment, South Rose garden

COUSIN ESSIE  (MODERN AUST, DOUBLE REMONTANT cutting from Pittsworth) Vigorous and disease free. Low maintenance. South Rose garden 

MME JOSEPH SCHWARTZ (TEA,DOUBLE REMONTANT from cuttings) A favourite roses, moderate vigour but low maintenance and repeat flowering with lovely perfume. In our area known as the white Montville Rose.  Schwartz, France 1880 North Rose garden, front Path garden 

THE ALLIES or perhaps OUR ALLIES, (POLYANTHA, DOUBLE cuttings, Remontant) Low growing shrub, small leaves with red margins. Clusters of globular pale pink buds open to beautiful double flower white in centre, pink or mauve guard petals. Sometimes double pink "The Allies" Heers, (Manly Queensland) Australia 1930. "Our Allies" W J Matthews, Queensland 1915 Front Path Garden, Gatehouse.

AIMEE VIBERT (NOISETTE, DOUBLE REMONTANT from cutting) Establishing very easily, low disease and low maintenance, beautiful white flower clusters.Vibert, France, 1828 Wisteria Arch

ROSA LAEVIGATA (SPECIES, SINGLE SPRING cuttings from Toowoomba) Tough and low disease, low maintenance.Because of its reputation as a handful has been moved to a remote spot where there are trees it may take over. NE corner of Plough Inn.

LAMARQUE syn GLENGALLON ROSE (NOISETTE, DOUBLE, REPEAT cutting from Glengallon Homestead on their Open day). Vigourous free flowering semi-double open white flowers. Mareschal, France, 1830 Doing badly in Pool Yard, to be transplanted.

MME ALFRED CARRIERE (NOISETTE, DOUBLE WHITE, REMONTANT, grafted). Beautiful apple green new foliage on this tall growing , climbing rose. On trial in a sunny but a little hostile area. Schwartz, France, 1879 Doing Poorly in Pool Yard.

VEILCHENBLAU  (RAMBLER, SINGLE SPRING 1 from graft(Perrots), 1 from cutting Maleny)Low to moderate disease resistance, good vigour, low maintenance, The semi-double purple flowers are well worth the wait.   Schmidt Germany, 1909 South Rose garden Trellis, Front Embankment.                           

VIOLETTE (RAMBLER, SINGLE, Spring flowering only) On next trellis to above Veilchenblau but clearly different in colour South Rose trellis

NARROW WATER  (NOISETTE, DOUBLE  REMONTANT from cutting) Lovely mauve flower clusters, Good disease resistance and Low maintenance. Daisy Hill Nursery, Ireland, 1883 South Rose garden

PROFESSEUR GANIVIAT syn. PRINCESSE DE SAGAN, (CHINA ? TEA, DOUBLE REMONTANT from cutting)  A beautiful rose of outstanding vigour and beautiful flower form and colour. Very low maintenance high disease resistance. Very worthwhile. Perrier France, 1890 Front Path Garden, Central lawn Borders, East Border Gardens, Montville hall.

“WARWICK ROSE” syn. ANNA DE DIESBACH  (HYBRID PERPETUAL ,DOUBLE,FROM CUTTING Leonie Kearney) lacharme,France, 1858 Weak Specimen, Front Path garden

REINE DES VIOLETTES (DOUBLE MAUVE,from cutting) Usually a very stout rose, struggling to succeed in our wet conditions. Millet and Mallet France 1860 Weak Specimen Front path gardens

CANDY STRIPE (MODERN PINK STRIPE, DOUBLE REMONTANT grafted) A very eye catching flower on a quite reliable bush, moderate vigour and disease resistance. moderate maintenance. McCummings USA 1963 South Rose gardens, North Rose gardens

MAURICE UTRILLO (MODERN DELBARD, grafted),beautiful flowers, disease prone no matter what they say. Not a patch on “princesse de Sagan” standing next to it.Delbard France. Front Path garden, Near back Stairs
Other unidentified roses not mentioned above include:

UNIDENTIFIED PINK TEA No 1. Strong Tea Rose, Pink Flowering, resembles Comtesse De Labarthe but petals reflex with pale edge, different bud shape.Gatehouse
UNIDENTIFIED PINK No. 2 Arching climber or shrub small pointed leaved, clusters of small untidy pink to apricot flowers in summer only so far. (front embankment)
UNIDENTIFIED PINK No 3. Low shrub, miniature. Tiny very double pink/mauve flowers. Moderate only disease resistance Fenced Rose garden
UNIDENTIFIED CLIMBER passed back to us by Mum and Dad as ROR LAUREN EMMA, raised by Kate Stock.  On Old front Gate , awaiting flowers to help identification. Growth resembles SOUVENIR de MME LEONIE VIENNOT. very Vigourous. South Rose garden

Salvias at "The Shambles" recognised on a National Plant Collections Register

Perennial Salvias are remarkably vigorous and versatile.
Our growing collection of ornamental Salvias has been entered in the National Plant Collections Register of Garden Plant Conservation Association of Australia.
We hope that this registration will assist in some small way for future visitors and follow garden enthusiasts to recognise the importance of maintaining the diversity of species in gardens.We hope it also inspires gardeners to maintain inventories of the plants in their gardens to assist in garden plant conservation. 

"The Shambles" Collection of PERENNIAL SALVIAS 2014
Salvia amarissima bitter Mexican Sage. Blue flowering, in South rose garden Mexico South Rose garden

Salvia azuria  (Prairie sage) Hardy perennial sage with sky blue flowers nd a lax habit. Southern United States. 1.1875, 1A 1885 South Rose Garden

Salvia coccinea (red), Salvia coccinea (white), Salvia coccinea bicolor  (salmon pink and white), Low growing self seeding hardy short lived perennial. USA 1.1875, 1A.1885, 7.1897, 10.1855, 13.1900/1 East Border Gardens, South Rose garden, Fenced Rose garden, Central Shrub garden

Salvia confertifolia Tall salvia with corrugated leaves and quite long spikes of small orange flowers with an orange brown calyx. Brazil. NE corner of verandah.

Salvia curviflora bright pink, majenta flowers summer/autumn, South rose garden Mexico Fenced Rose garden, Rock garden

Salvia discolor   Black/green flowers on a lax low growing shrub with sticky grey foliage. Peru  2012 South Rose garden

Salvia elegans syn.S.rutilans. (Pineapple Sage) The Pineapple scented foliage is quite attractive . Small red flowers are bee attracting. North of house, near cloths line and rock circle garden. There is a close variant of this Salvia with more camphorated scent under the cloths line. Mexico North Rose garden, Back Verandah, Fenced Rose garden

Salvia rutilans syn. S.elegans Golden foliage Pineapple sage South Rose garden

Salvia farinacea x Salvia longispicata " Indigo Spires" Vigous but low growing hybrid with indigo blue flowers Gate House

Salvia gesneriiflora Tall rangy shrub with Red/Black flowers in loose spikes. Tolerates sun and part shade. Easily sruck from cutting Colombia NW boundary garden. Central lawn and Borders

Salvia guaranitica Tall spreading clump forming shrub with clear Mid-Blue flower spikes in summer. Tolerates shade. Brazil  North verandah and central gardens. Back Verandah, Central Shrub garden
Salvia guaranitica x gesneriifolia  “Purple Majesty”. A tall plant with the classic square stems and large serated leaves. Flower spikes are Royal Purple throughout the year but mostly in the warmer months. Criss Cross garden, Near Coral Fountain

Salvia involucrata. Tall spreading lax shrub with round stems. Large Pink flowers which are quite closed. Easily grown from cutting tolerates sun and shade. Autumn-winter flowering. Mexico 12.1962. Widespread, including Driveway, Front embankment,

Salvia involucrata. Var “Bethellii” Tall free flowering shrub. Flowers better colour and form than Involucrata varieties. Autumn-Winter flowering.  Mexico, hybrid. Mainly north of the house. Central Shrub garden, South East Corner

Salvia involucrata Var "Bethellii" pale pink flowering shrub. This plant was acquired 2014 as a gift. Flower colour is definitely lighter and brighter than above. Fenced Rose garden

Salvia involucrata "Joan" Tall shrub bright pink flowers. East Border gardens

Salvia involucrata " Mulberry Jam" Tall shrub Mauve flowers Plough Inn North

Salvia involucrata cultivar “Pink Icicles”. Tall lax shrub with large flowers of soft pink and white. Easily struck from cutting, hardy indry shade and on an exposed embankment. NE boundary garden NE Border gaden

Salvia involucrata "Romantic Rose" a Bright pink flowering variety. Planted gatehouse

Salvia involucrata x karwinskii  "Follets Folly" Red flowering tall perennial shrub. East Border garden, Plough Inn North

Salvia iodantha Very tall, spectacular shrub with clusters of magenta flowers at end of long arching stems. Easily propagated from cutting. Spring-Summer flowering. Mexico. West of pool fence and the fenced rose garden

Salvia iodantha x longistylus Tall Salvia with flowers similar in luster to S.Iodantha but more mauve to pink in colour and less tightly packed then the S.Iodantha Criss Cross garden

Salvia leucantha Medium sized perennial shrub with reliable mauve calyx and white flower spikes. Semideciduous. Mexico 12.1962. Central Lawn and borders.

Salvia leucantha 'Midnight" purple flower and calyx . Semideciduous Front path garden, Fenced Rose garden

Salvia leucantha cv "Velour Pink" Robust Salvia Pink and white flowers. North Rose garden

Salvia leucantha hybrid “Velour White” White flowers, white calyx on this variety with white flowers. NW corner pool fence

Salvia macrophylla Larger heart shaped, stick, aromatic leaves with spikes of sky-blue flowers in summer. Columbia , Peru, Bolivia. Central lawn and Borders

Salvia macrophylla "Purple leaf" Like green leaved S. macrophylla Cobalt blue flowers Peru  North lawn garden

Salvia madrense.  Very tall salvia with large leaves and square stems. The flowers are on long spikes of bright Yellow. Very tough and easy to care for but large dominating plant.Mexico Gardens east side of the house. East Border garden, Central lawn and Borders

Salvia "Meigans Magic" grey tone in foliage. White flower in purple calyx. A very successful Salvia in our climate. Front path garden

Salvia mexicana (?var. “Lollie Jackson”) Dark blue flowers, Black calyx on a tall shrub with the classic square stems. Reliable easily struck from cutting. Mexico. Gardens east and SE of house.

Salvia microphylla "Hot lips". Very hardy in our garden, tolerating dry and moist shade. Easily propagated from cutting. Distinctive crimson-red margin on flower. summer flowering. Fenced Rose garden, Rock wall garden

Salvia microphylla "Miss Scarlet" low growing but erect Salvia cultivar  red flowers. Near fenced rose garden

Salvia microphylla "Penny's Smile". Crimson pink flowers. fenced rose garden

Salvia microphylla "Easter Bonnet" Yellow to pink flowers.  South Rose garden

Salvia microphylla "Angel Wings" Soft Pink flowers. In rock wall garden at back stairs among Plectranthus cultivars.

Salvia microphylla  “Sweet Laura” Resembling S.coccinea this garden hybrid obtained from ‘Grandma’s Garden’ nursery in SE Queensland. Western end front rose garden.

Salvia microphylla ("Heat wave series" Salvias) but with glossy aromatic foliage. brittle stems . red flower , black calyx. East of fenced rose garden.

Salvia miniata  (Belize Sage) Tall, apple green glossy foliage, bright red flowers. Easily grows from cutting, hardy in shade including dry shade. Flowers throughout the year.  Mexico. Central lawn and borders, NE corner garden

Salvia officinalis low growing culinary and medicinal sage Europe to central Asia 1.1875 Only survives in containers for us

Salvia pallida Pale Sage. Tall, Oval leaves scalloped edges, pale blue flowers Argentina Fenced Rose garden, North Rose garden

Salvia x "Phyllis Fancy" White and mauve flowers and purple calyx. Near side stairs in quite a shaded position. East Border garden

Salvia pseudo nutans shrubby salvia of moderate vigour with pale blue flowers reminiscent of Salvia pallida Fenced Rose garden

Salvia oxyphora (Bolivian Hummingbird Sage), Tall vigourous shrub, Tubular crimson pink flowers with fine hairs Bolivia Peru Central Shrub Garden

Salvia splendens, unnamed tall varieties of this perennial Salvia in our garden include a cultivar with mauve and white flowers, one with White flowers and Red flowering with variegated foliage, as well as one with White/Red. Many shrubs persist and can flower throughout the year in sun or shade. Brazil 1.1875, 1A.1885, 7.1897, 10.1855, 12.1962, 13.1900/1.Tall Reliable Salvia in most areas of the Garden

Salvia splendens "Van Houttei" A tall cultivar of Salvia splendens with red-maroon flowers . Tall and vigorous, strikes easily from cutting.  Throughout Central shrub garden, East Border garden

Salvia “Waverley” Medium sized reliable low maintenance plant. Flowers are white, pale pink to mauve calyx throughout. Spring and Summer. Vigorous, strikes easily from cutting. Near gatehouse and eastern boundary garden

Salvia uliginosa (Bog Sage). Sky blue flowers . Moderate height and invasive locally. Easily propagated. Spring-Summer flowering. East of gatehouse, front garden

Salvia wagneriana Tall, winter flowering salvia wit flowers of pink and white Central America. Just near gatehouse and driveway.

For interest we add a list of some of the RELIABLE PERENNIALS which we grow mixed in with Salvias and which resemble Salvias and enhance their display

Aloysia triphylla,( Lemon scented Verbena) has delightful scented foliage and a  loose Salvia like form. These are slow to get going in our acidic soil. Chile- Argentina 1A.1885 (Lippia citriodora?), 6.1897, 7.1897, 9.1851, 10.1855, 13.1900/1 Near back Stairs

Brillantasia subulugurica. Large leafed, lax shrub with quite large mauve/Blue flowers reminiscent of a large Salvia. East Africa Blue trellis garden, East Border garden

Dicliptera suberecta Low growing,  perennial grey foliage and orange flowers . Uruguay Stone circle garden

Hypoestes aristata. Reliable easy growing and quite tall plant with unusual twisting Mauve/Pink salvia like flowers appearing once a year in spring. Easy to strike from cutting, low maintenance. South Africa 1.1875 East Border gardens

Justicia aurea syn Justicia umbrosa Yellow or golden justicia . Tall Spectacular yellow flower plumes Brazil Fenced Rose garden

Justicia brandegeana syn. Bellerephone guttata (shrimp plant) Low growing lax shrub. We have yellow and bronze flower colour varieties. Remarkably tolerant of dry shade.reliable.Central and south America 1.1875 (9 species Justicia) North Rose garden, Central lawn and Borders, Front path garden

Justicia carnea (both white and pink hybrids) Interesting tall “candles” of flower bracts on tough shrub. This low maintenance, self seeding plant introduces colour under trees in a warm climate garden. Central and South America 1.1875 (J.carnea, J.alba), 1A.1885 (Jacobinia magnifica), 7.1897, 9.1851, 10.1855 Orchid Walk, plough inn

Justicia betonica (White) This tough, self seeding tall plant has white flowers, with a touch of pink, not unlike Salvia but more upright. Tropical East Africa 1.1875, 7.1897 Front path garden, Gatehouse

Justicia nodosa syn Dianthera nodosa Weeping Shrub, profuse pink flowering NE Border gardens, Central Shrub garden
Justicia rizzinii syn Libonia floribunda, Jacobinia pauciflora Lovely compact shrub in garden, evergreen with small tubular flowers of yellow/red. Brazil Central lawn and Borders

Lepachinia salviae Medium to tall, lax shrub large arrow shaped grey leaves. Long pannicles of Mauve flowers in bells which do resemble Salvia. Chile Near Back Stairs

Ocimum gratissimum (perennial Basil). Strongly aromatic herbaceous plant with spikes of Salvia like mauve/white flowers. Strikes easily from cutting. Aromatic like sweet Basil Ocimum basilicum but more camphorated.Fenced Rose garden, in pots and throughout

Plectranthus ecklonii.  Tall, Salvia like shrub which produces pannicles of blue, pink or white Salvia like flowers in summer. Easy to propagate and care for. South Africa East Border gardens, fenced rose garden

Plectranthus ecklonii var. ‘Hawthorne Pink’ Tall salvia like perennial, pink flowering garden hybrid . Easy to grow from cutting, tolerates dry shade. East Border gardens , central Shrub gardens

Plectranthus oertendahlii (standard and variegated varieties) creeping groundcover with small white flowers, mainly in shady areas Brazil Plough inn, Rainforest corner, Near Back Stairs, Central Shrub garden

Plectranthus saccatus . Striking blue flowers on a tough low shrub. Reliable. Will self seed. Great colour in the shade South Africa Blue trellis garden, Raised rock garden

Plectranthus saccatus x hilliardiae ‘cape Angels’  ‘Mona Lavender’, white and pink flowering. Reliable low shrub, shade tolerant, easily struck from cutting. Garden hybrid Raised Rock garden

Plectranthus amboinensis (Cuban Oregano) Low growing glaucous spreading ground cover plant with grey-green foliage and blue flowers spikes. Favours sunny well drained position. South and east Africa.
Front embankment

Pycnostachys urticifolia.  Tall easy to grow shrub with spires of bright Sky Blue flowers followed by sharp spiky seed structure. Easy to propagate tolerates all conditions. Southern Africa Blue trellis and Criss Cross garden

Stachytarpheta cayenennsis (Porter weed, False verbena, Snakeweed) Perennial shrub with long spike with flowers appearing to migrate along them from the bottom up. Mexico, Central America Central lawn and Bordrs , Criss cross garden

Stachytarpheta mutabilis (pink porterweed) Pernnial shrub as for S. cayenennsis but with pink flowers Brazil Fenced Rose garden

Kyleigh and Michael Simpson