A painting of our Christina and tysons former house in Chermside with Poinciana
Poincianas have had a great flowering in the dry weather.
Being unable to help it, on a recent excursion we acquired for planting some mature specimens of Magnolia soulangeana, Azalea (Rhododendron indica) 'Splendens' and Camellia lutchuenensis.As a stroke of luck also picked up 30 pots of quite well established dusky pink Daylily, Hemerocallis and 4 quite well grown Nerium oleander dwarf apricot for the front embankment.
It would be mad to plant them now so they will sit in the propagation house with Viburnum suspensum and all the other prepared cuttings grown plants until the drought breaks.
We did plant a lovely specimen of Brunfelsia lactea Grandiflora "Sweet Temptation" in the group with large mature Brunfelsia latifolia and Brunfelsia americana . We also transplanted a poor specimen of Prunus cerasifera nigra and hope that this will do better near the wisteria trellis . The above mentioned Magnolia soulangeana is earmarked for it's former spot.
A glassed in wall is planned to screen our propagation area and make an entrance to the fernery. The pool fence and pool paving are ti receive a long overdue renovation before a bus trip of visitors arrives in march (hopefully after some rain).
Michael Simpson