Some old roses at our Open garden
Christmas has come and just gone. Of course as well as the many gifts exchanged there were a considerable number of new plants to add to the garden. Unhelpfully the prolonged dry, hot weather has continued. It must be a record in our area surely with only about 25ml rain since July, with only one summer storm and dry weather continuing now, past Christmas.New Plants added are a series of Hydrangea serrata "Komachi", "White Angel" and "Dance Party". The other Hydrangea serrata acquired at the same time are unlabelled but all are very attractive in flower. We also acquired a Hydrangea macrophylla sold to us as "White King". I am attempting to find our more about the cultivar names and breeding of the Hydrangeas from Poulmans who I believe have been the suppliers.
The newly built raised stone gardens of the fernery have been planted out with various groupings of Adiantum, Asplenium, Blechnum, Polypodium, Mycosorum, Darvallia etc.
In organizing the Hydrangea walk for new acquisitions a large number of Bromeliads were transplanted and the best moved to the nursery area.
At Christmas the small collection of Anthurium andeanum (Flamingo flower) was explanded and six new colour varieties added , which are now standing on their own display made from our recently replced back stairs. As originally native to columbia with hundreds of species and cultivars these plants are commonly seen but we have not really bothered to record our collection until now. Along with purple "Amethyst" we have white, Orange, Red, pink, Green, Miniature and cultivars with a different coloured Spath and Spadix.
Along with these we acquiterd two new specimens of the old rose Rosa chinensis sempreflorens.
Lets all pray for rain in 2013
Michael Simpson