Top ten list of garden plants

  • Abutilons of all kinds
  • Buddlejas old and new
  • Epiphytic orchids and ferns
  • Gordonia species
  • Heliotrope, Lemon verbena, Fennel and herbs
  • Michelias of all sorts
  • Perennial Salvias large and small
  • Species Camellias
  • Tea and China Roses
  • Weigela of all types

Montville Rose

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Easter Open Garden 'The Shambles' is ready

With so much preparation behind uswe had to take some time off in the last few days . The fine weather has seen fairly rapid drying out of the soil and the dramatic rains of recent times are forgotten. I'm not sure if the Gordonia axillaris will be in full flower for the weekend, probably not but there is colour in flowering perennials everywhere and the garden is green and lush.
Equipment is arriving aleady for setting up our various plant stalls and there have been really good articles in the April "Gardening Australia", local "Sunshine Coast Sunday", "Hinterland Times" and the "Range News". We have been told that the Open Garden was mentioned in Gympie and Nambour Newspapers and rated in the article "Ten Best Things to do Over Easter" in Brisbanes weekend Courier Mail.
Lat Sunday we went for a run in our Old Car with the car club which was a loveley day in fine weather. The next day we went to Noosa instead of preparing the Garden.
By this is , what it is.
Our Ford Prefect and the Glasshouse Mountains.
Michael Simpson