We spent a whole day going around primping and preening gardens which on the face of it seem only to have just been done. Kyleigh worked with the pole hedge trimmer while I stumbled around with my shears. We fixed an ornamental pump head, repaired and painted the letter box and even used some remnant paint to paint an outdoor table top.
Many ornamental shrubs and perennials such as Plectranthus saccatus, Plectranthus exklonii (white, pink and blue) and summer plants such as Dahlias are flowering well.
The rain has continued intermittently so moisture loving plants such as Coleus (Solenostemnon spp), Ruellia repens and epiphytes such as the many Dendrobium spp, Cymbidium spp, Oncidium Spp orchids and various ferns are looking well.
Even the Caladium spp which resents dry weather is in appearence. Roses and Camellias are covered in bud and all is on track for our Open garden organization visitors on Thurday morning
Michael Simpson