With a return to rainy weather a number of gardening chores become easier. We have added yet more plants of course, transplanted yet more and added more succulents (Bulbophyllum, Echieveria etc) to the from embankment.
Salvia microphylla "Penny's Smile", Salvia microphylla "Miss Scarlet" Salvia unidentified cultivar resembles s.microphylla red flower black calyx Cuphea purpurea (Batplant) Stokesia Blue Parasols and Tagetes patula Marigold "Vanilla' cream flowers
Kyleigh has prepared and labelled hundreds of pots with cuttings of many of our best and most reliable perennials for our Open garden in April 2012. Although our solar founain pump did not last more is expected from our solar outdoor lighting.
We have completed a makeover at the Montville Village Hall including adding new plants (A Gardenia, Cuphea compacta, Salvia microphylla cv red flowers/black calyx, Parsley, Fennel, Thai and Greek Basil). Roses were all sprayed and all plants fertilized. Very tall Hibiscus were extensively pruned as were many perennials.
Michael Simpson